Sustainable Salons

Sustainable Salons is the first comprehensive resource recovery service designed for the salon environment that rewards salons and gives back to the community.

Founded by Paul Frasca and Ewelina Soroko in 2015, Sustainable Salons specialises in collecting up to 95% of the salon bin and redirecting all material for reuse, recycling and repurposing solutions. The program also offers rewards for salons’ recycling efforts with useful items and savings for their business, while 100% of the recycling proceeds are donated to OzHarvest and KiwiHarvest; these charitable organisations are dedicated to feeding the most vulnerable in our communities.

To date together Sustainable salons have achieved:

251,957kg Metals diverted from landfill and made into new aluminium packaging

221,747kg Plastic kept in circulation not in our ocean.

37,430kg Hair collected from the salon floor that is made into giant hair booms and can soak up 124,766L of oil in a land or ocean spill

38,440L Chemicals recycled* back into water then used in construction and manufacturing * Collected resources may vary according to member’s location

 136,942+ Collected ponytails sent to charitable organisations and wig-makers for those suffering from medically-induced hair-loss

153,090 Meals All proceeds generated from recycling salon materials go to OzHarvest and KiwiHarvest to help feed the hungry ($1 = 2 meals)

275,991kg Paper recycled into new paper products.

1400+ Community events Volunteer roles fulfilled Grooming services for those in need Supported employees including haircuts, massages, facials, manicures, beard trims and more!

“We believe its better to surround yourself with a few sustainable and high quality products and objects, rather then chasing a continuous, compulsive, unregulated consumption.”

— Oway